In his remarkable TED Talk "Can We Create New Senses for Humans?," neuroscientist David Eagleman describes the concept of the umwelt -- the part of the available stimulus space sampled by a particular animal's senses. A simple example is the thin slice of the electromagnetic spectrum our eyes are sensitive to -- the familiar ROYGBIV of the rainbow. There's plenty of electromagnetic radiation outside of that slice; gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet light, infrared light, microwaves, and radio waves are all ordinary photons, just like visible light is. It's just that our eyes aren't sensitive to those frequencies, so they're outside of our umwelt.
The umwelt also has to do with the relative weighting of senses; how big a part of our sensory world a particular experience constitutes. Most humans have a sense of smell, but my dogs live in a far richer olfactory world than I do. But even how those inputs are utilized -- i.e., what kind of information they provide for making sense of the world -- can vary greatly. Bats and dolphins use hearing in much the same way as we use our eyes, creating "sonic landscapes" of the objects around them. What's kind of amazing, though -- and one of the main points of Eagleman's talk -- is that humans can train their brains to use other "peripherals" (as he calls them) to learn about the world, such as blind people who have learned to navigate the space around them by making clicking noises and listening for echoes from nearby obstacles.
It's always been fascinating to me to consider how the world would look to a night-flying echolocating bat. Do they "see" their world through their ears and auditory cortex?
The topic of how other animals perceive their worlds -- and how different it could be from what we experience -- comes up because of a paper this week in the journal Nature about how elephantnose fish (Gnathonemus petersii), which live in murky streams in west and central Africa where eyesight doesn't serve much purpose, develop their visual picture of the world (including locating prey) using electric fields. And not only do they gain information by creating and sensing electrical signals, they enhance those pictures using the signals created by nearby members of their species, making them one of the only known animals that relies on collective signal production and sensing.
"Think of these external signals as electric images of the objects that nearby electric fish automatically produce and beam to nearby fish at the speed of light," said Federico Pedraja of Columbia University, who headed the study. "Our work suggests that three fish in a group would each receive three different "electrical views" of the same scene at virtually the same time."
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