These "strange underwater structures... 200 meters high, made of a crystal-like substance" were allegedly discovered from sonar surveying done by a "Dr. Verlag Meyer." This sent up a red flag immediately, because "Verlag" isn't a first name, it's a German word meaning "publishing house." But sometimes people have weird names, so I decided to do a quick look, and I could find no scientist named "Verlag Meyer," much less one with any credible links to oceanographic research. "Dr. Verlag Meyer" seems to be as unreal as the glass pyramids he allegedly discovered.
That hasn't stopped the claim from circulating, of course. What I find most annoying, however, is the way the sources on this topic pretend that there is all sorts of buzz going on in scientific circles about this non-story:
There are several Western scholars who argue that the pyramid on the seabed may have been initially made on the mainland, after which a devastating earthquake struck and changed the landscape completely. Other scientists argue that a few hundred years ago the waters of the Bermuda Triangle area may have as one of the cornerstone activities of the people of Atlantis, and Pyramids on the sea floor may be a supply warehouse for them. Perhaps it is related to the underwater race of humanoids discovered in Washington State in 2004 - the so called "aquatic ape" beings?Oh, yeah, all the scientists I know spend their time researching Atlantis, the Bermuda Triangle, and "aquatic ape beings."
And a complete lack of evidence never seems to bother these people. They're content to blather on as if what they were talking about actually made sense:
There is also a suspicion that the Bermuda triangle and the area where this pyramid was supposedly located may be some sort of "holy grounds" that is being protected by the fabled Atlanteans - that whatever crosses over the location is considered an offering... Others hypothesize that the pyramid can attract and collect cosmic rays, from the so called "energy field" or "quantum vacuum" and that this may have been used as an Atlantean power plant (or whoever was around at the time). With the mystery still surrounding the Egyptian pyramids and the fact that the pyramidal structures seems to be found in almost all ancient cultures - its going to be hard to tell for certain the origin of this structure or if it truly exists (we haven't been down there yet so...).Reading this made me shout at my computer, "Do you even understand what a cosmic ray is, you nimrod?" My computer didn't answer, which I'm taking as a "no." They have no more understanding of cosmic rays than did the writers of the amazingly abysmal 1960s science fiction show Lost In Space, who appended the word "cosmic" to things to make them seem, well, cosmic. Like when the wind would blow, knocking over styrofoam rocks and spray-painted cardboard models of scientific apparatus, and Will and Dr. Smith and The Robot would run around waving their arms wildly and yelling, "It's a cosmic storm! We have to take cover!" But it never worked, because in the midst of the cosmic storm there would be a cosmic noise ("bwooooyoyoyoyoyoy") and an alien would always appear out of nowhere. These aliens included a pirate with an electronic parrot, a motorcycle gang, some space hillbillies, a group of alien teenage hippies, and in one extremely memorable episode, Brunhilde (complete with a horned helmet and a cosmic horse).
But I digress.
The pièce de resistance of the glass pyramids article, of course, has to be the illustrations, such as the following:
Nowhere does it say that these illustrations are "artist's renditions," so a less-than-careful reader might be led to the conclusion that this was an actual underwater photograph of a crystal pyramid. Of course, a later illustration might give a critical clue to unwary readers that they weren't looking at photographs:
I rather like this one, although the inevitable question of "where is the water going?" does come to mind. But given that another woo-woo claim is that the Earth is hollow, I'd guess they'd have a ready answer for that one, too.
So, that's our dip in the deep end of the pool for today. And just to reiterate: there is no credible evidence whatsoever that there are pyramids of any kind, much less glass ones, on the floor of the Atlantic. Pyramids don't concentrate Cosmic Quantum Vacuum Vibration Frequencies, either, despite what you might have read from such luminaries of the scientific world as Richard C. Hoagland, who also (as you may remember) thinks there are crop circles on Saturn. I'd like to think that this will put an end to the discussion, and also to people forwarding this around the Internet, although that might be a forlorn hope given that the source article I looked at had been linked, forwarded, and Facebook-liked a total of close to 10,000 times as of the point I found it. So my feeble efforts are probably going to be as ineffectual as if the cruise ship captain in the above Scientific Photograph shouted "Reverse Engines!"
I don't think you should take it out on your computer, though. Because maybe it does know what cosmic rays are and it just doesn't want to upset you even more...
ReplyDeleteThe ocean is freaky enough. It doesn't need any help.
ReplyDeleteCosmic: (definition from Miriam Webster)
ReplyDelete1. a : of or relating to the cosmos, the extraterrestrial vastness, or the universe in contrast to the earth alone
b : of, relating to, or concerned with abstract spiritual or metaphysical ideas
2. a : characterized by greatness especially in extent, intensity, or comprehensiveness
It originated from the Greek word "kosmos" which means "order" and was believed to be first used by the philosopher Pythagoras, referring to the intransience of the stars.
Somewhere in the 20th century, as you stated, the word cosmic was bastardized and now we have to endure these additional contexts (definition 1. b) that detract from the intended meaning of the word.
1 a : to slow up especially by preventing or hindering advance or accomplishment : impede
2 a : to delay academic progress by failure to promote
Those are the only 2 definitions provided by Miriam Webster and yet, if I use the word, even in proper context, forward progression of my conversation is ...impeded... due to my "insensitivity", all because a bunch of mouth-breathers captured the word and released it back into the wild with additional connotations that I do not legitimize.
As far as the underwater crystals, I have a suspicion that they were placed here as Tin Foil Hat Factories, to supply our race with the ability to communicate with SaLuSa & Washta of the Sirius Star-Nation, Galactic Federation of Light & Ascended Masters. With these Cosmic Frequency Modulating Dilithi-aluminum headpieces, we can help them cleanse our planet of the "dark minions' labyrinth of control."
I wonder if these are the same "dark minions" I see in my travels that go around calling everything they don't like "retarded." I'm sensing a connection.
Haha zing
DeleteAwesome dude!!! Well played
Verslag is a dutch word, it means publish in englisch.
DeleteMaybe it's a verslag of Dr. Meijer who is also a dutch name..?
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHey, there's nothing wrong with good looks. I'm all for it, frankly, and romance is always a trade-off, isn't it? And maybe you can keep him on the sensible side by doing your own research. Good luck!
Deletethe pyramids seem iffy to me as well. the hollow earth is feasible. to an extent. given that a large amount of reoccurring patterns happen in just about everything in the universe, and the "torus" happens to be one of them. the earth could very well be hollow, and they could be covering it up because people would probably panic and freak out. the inner land masses and oceans could simply cycle water between the poles and around the world. just some additional currents, maybe even some trade winds. that actually seems feasible to me. now all the mumbo jumbo about an advanced race just seems like fairy tales or science fiction to me. imo if life exists inside the earth it would most likely be plant, fungi, or microbial, or perhaps insects, and maybe some sea creatures. the inner sun concept is a little iffy to me though, so that rules plants (as we know them at least) out except near the polar regions where they would get some sunlight. but who knows, maybe all that mumbo jumbo is right and there is some kind of micro sun as well. even given that I still doubt some advanced race is living in there. then again... a lot of people think jesus is coming back...
ReplyDeleteThe fallacies grow like wildflowers on the slopes of a mind.
DeleteI love how you appear to see some sort of difference between one completely bat-shit fantasy and another completely bat-shit fantasy, and speak of them as if you were using logic to make the distinction.
It's like watching a child playing house. You clumsily mimic the words and speech patterns of a skeptic, while demonstrating that you have no grasp of the concept. But unlike a child, you seem to think that others will actually believe your pretense, which is really weird, considering that you've said this stuff out loud.
Here's a hint. Any idea that directly contradicts known facts, isn't "iffy"; it's nonsense. Why on Earth would you give such a notion another moment's thought?
Seriously. Please answer this for me if you don't mind. Why would you think that any idea which has no evidence to support it, lots of evidence against it, and contradicts known facts, is "iffy" or otherwise worthy of serious consideration?
Are you simply unaware of what is known about the Earth and our universe? If so, how can that be? If not, then how do you explain the contradictions?
Imagination douchebag.
Deleteyou mention a torus, which is a very real thing unlike much of what has been posted here but people who probably just dont know any better.... the torus of magnetism around earth could not even exist if the earth was hollow. it is one thing to throw around words, but you should really first try to gain a better understand of how these systems that interest you really work. a lot of people have been throwing the word torus around lately, and as someone who loves and in fasinated by the torus (i see it almost everywhere) it really bothers me when people use the term without having a deeper understanding of it
DeleteI love this article. I saw a video on this topic at MSN. The first big red flag for me was the fact that this "scientist" found this pyramid using sonar but apparently couldn't take the time to send a diver down to observe the object. But somehow they think it is made of Crystal? How would they know that without looking at it. They seem to have allot of information about this object. Like the fact that it has apparently huge holes that cause vortex waves, which makes almost no sense. To make matters worse they somehow made this discovery with instruments that can barely make out the outline of a ships hull. But they can describe it as if they actually saw it.
ReplyDeleteIf they did actually find something like this, divers from around the world would be on that thing like flies on you know what. It doesn't take a government sized budget to go on a diving expedition. And there are plenty of people that have the time and resources to go look at this "great discovery", especially in the Bahamas. So why haven't they? Because it doesn't exist.
For god sake, we sent scientists out to look at rocks that resembled a road, the "Bimi Road", no cover up, no ignoring discovery's there. When it was found people said it was a road to Atlantis. But anybody with a brain can see it's just a rock formation with no special properties at all.
If this thing does exist, I bet a large sum of money that it is just a rock that looks like a pyramid on a sonar image. This french bafoon is probably just trying to drum up money for his boat excursions and decided there was no better way to do it than to appeal to the tinfoil hat society.
What about Tony's Beniks expedition finding a pulsating crystal on top of the pyramid and an opaque crystal tablet? Not to mention the doctor that first discovered the pyramid along with a crystal ball that has the image of three pyramids in it.
DeleteWhy can't people realize the truth is stranger than fiction? it's not that I'm in a conspiracy theory net it's that people are blind to see what's right in front of their face.
Edit of my last comment: Apparently these objects are a 2000 meters. Which is 200 atmospheres of pressure or 1.5 ton's per sq. inch. So maybe a diver couldn't see this thing. But perhaps these amazing scientists could have brought an ROV camera on a tether. A 4000 meter ROV costs around 5k. So perhaps the tinfoil hat society should pich in for this mystery scientists expedition.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThe Legion of Illuminati with your leader Steve Jobs
ReplyDeleteScientists might not study hoax pyramids, but the Aquatic Ape Theory is one of the best explanation for the gap in our evolutionary history called the missing link. Many of the features of our upright musculature and organ systems can only be explained as having been adapted from, at least, a semi-aquatic diving species that would have evolved on an island separated from the mainland and the parent primate species by geological forces.
ReplyDeleteAnd Bears living near the coastline became whales, too.
DeleteAnd bears living near the coastline became whales. Seems legit.
DeleteIdiots abound by the thousands. I can't and will not even begin to tell you how many people think rumor and conjecture are science. I am a Scientist and Professor of such, and to blatantly make claims like this and call it science flies in the face of everything I stand for. "There is a sucker born every day" P.T. Barnum.
ReplyDeleteScience constantly sidelines findings that don't fit a paradigm... Like space is infinitely dense...or rather then two protons orbiting at light speed they manufacter a 'strong' force because they want to push the center together instead of pulling it. Science is a religion that produces good results buts its mediocre acolytes are just followers waiting for brilliance to show them the way...meanwhile making fun of others for challenging current theory...even know the theory keeps changes...newsflash if you change your theory you WERE may currently be right but since science is 99% wrong before its 100% right...why not get off your high horse and allow people to express ideas.
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DeleteTL;DR What's the story with those Jovian crop circles?
ReplyDeleteSeriously I wouldn't be surprised if its a long range trailer for some new Lost.
Why do you even care? No-one with even a little logic is going to believe it without believable sources. All it is, is entertainment for the new agey types who smoke too much drugs. Let them have their fun and focus on the issues that actually matter.
ReplyDeleteAfter years of trying to stay open minded about such matters, I've become a real skeptic on most. Maybe it's age, maybe just the though of the amount of time I've wasted reading or researching subjects that are investigated by thousands of people who either just need to believe in something - anything - and have shady or non-existent credentials. I've run into many of these "believers" - I don't know what else to call them. Whether their conspiracy dolts, grossly misinformed or ignorant, or just too damn lazy to look up any real science or facts as an explanation, I've had my fill. Once in a while, I actually get through to some, and basically when they realized whatever the bull of the moment was they had latched onto was just that, they would respond with a sort of embarrassing....."Oh.., only to go off on some other subject to rant on that was loaded with the same amount of bull.
ReplyDeleteNow, I have to admit, I'm not stupid enough to come out and say there are things that go bump in the night that all can be reasoned or logically explained away. There are paranormal events involving house haunts and objects moving by themselves and objects seen in the night sky as big as a city block making no sound that scare the crap out of pets and shut down cars and aircraft instruments, etc. that just can't be reasonably explained. This stuff actually not only bothers me it give me the creeps sometimes. I"ve also met the other end of the spectrum - people who are very intelligent, professional, only the facts ma'am types who swat away anything that doesn't fit into their science. The thing I've come to realize is these people who are so polar opposite one another seem to have something in common - fear. In the case of the "believers", it's either fear of not being considered "special" and or important or just ignorant fear of not being in control of their lives or needing to belong to a special group - religious sects, occultists, conspiracy goofs, political parties - whatever, as long as it is with someone that echoes their belief system. In the case of the "just the facts ma'am" group, it's fear of having their belief system based solely on science and rock hard evidence either tarnished, dented or even totally altered by something that could actually turn out to be a real threat of something beyond their control, not to mention the soul sucking event of having to realize they were wrong their whole life. With either of these people I try to relate to them on a respectable level - with the former I try to open their mind a little bit to alternate possible explanations without belittling them and with the latter I try and get them to see that though science and our rational minds are the best tools to rely on to get through life, science has been wrong and is always in a state of evolution. We need to keep our feet on the ground, but we also need to accept the possibility we may need to adapt to new knowledge and discovery, even if it cheats us of a lifelong belief.
Man, for calling yourself a skeptic and critical thinker, you seem to rely quite a lot on baseless supposition.
ReplyDeleteReal, hoax, who cares! This is the most eloquent trash talk I've ever encountered! Keep it up kids... It's a great escape from reality ;-) I do hope that this juvenile passtime isn't keeping you true scientists from your work though.
ReplyDeletewell written, very informative. thanks.
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interesting topic, keep up the posting.
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ReplyDeleteYour a "critical thinker" who uses "logic" and "facts" but falls back on suppositions, ad hominem attacks, and sarcastic quips to cover up his own lack of information and education on the subject.
Yeah most of these so called paranormal events and such are BS but its not like you "debunked" anything either. All you did was act like a sarcastic high school debater. A condescending attitude does not equal "critical thinking" or "logic" you ignorant fuckass. Your no better than all the paranoid retards out there. Your just another side of the coin.
Meyers lexicon was a major encyclopedia used in Germany from 1839 to 1984 published by Bibliographisches Institut, funded by Joseph meyer in 1826 a verlag aka. publishing house F.A Brockhaus merged with them in 1984 also Meyer comes from the German word meiger which means higher or superior so in conclusion it would appear as though his name in translation would be DR. Publishing house superior ya Id say that's a fake name for sure .
ReplyDeleteTook me five minutes to collect the following..skeptophilia researchers suck if they missed this in their 'in depth' research.
ReplyDeleteI don't claim their are just seems they left out any information of opposing view.
Aaron DuVal (President, Egyptology Society, Miami Museum of Science) wrote the text that i pasted on my first message. I have not checked out his authenticity, so an large element of trust is needed. (However when reading any book, trust is a natural element?) Listed below are the Atlantic expeditions that he talks about; (I have not followed any of these to see what books have been writen, you may know of some?)
Dr. Maxine Asher's expedition in 1973
Reported by UPI.
Pyramid explored by Dr. Ray Brown on the sea floor off the Bahamas in 1970. Brown was accompanied by 4 divers who also found roads, domes, rectangular buildings, unidentified metallic instruments, and a statue holding a "mysterious" crystal containing miniature pyramids. The metal devices and crystals were taken to Florida for analysis at a university there. What was discovered was that the crystal amplified energy that passed through it.
Arl Marahall. Expedition off Cay Sal 1977.
A mysterious discovery was made on the floor of the Atlantic concerning an unknown technology. A 650-foot pyramid was mysteriously lit up, with sparkling white water surrounding it that turned deep green, a shocking contrast to the dark black waters at that depth. The discovery was photographed by Arl Marahall's expedition off Cay Sal.
Dr. William Bell's 1958 photos taken on the bottom of the Atlantic showed a six-foot spire protruding from a couple of circular gear-like bases with peculiar light emanations from the bottom of the shaft.
A huge pyramid, in 10,000 feet of Atlantic water, was reported to have been found with a pulsating crystal on top of it, by Tony Benik's expedition
One of the most amazing finds on the bottom of the Atlantic was reported by Captain Reyes Miraga's crew on the salvage ship Talia from Spain. They video-taped miles of pillared temples, buildings, and statues and wide curving boulevards, with smaller avenues branching out from the center like spokes in a wheel, with majestic temples and pyramids. Much of this city, as well as the city found off Spain by Dr. Maxine Asher's expedition and later by Professor Akayonove's expedition (all photographed), show a startling similarity to Plato's description of Atlantis!
Ruins of roads and buildings found off Bimini Island in the 1960's by the photographed and published expeditions of Dr. Mansan Valentine. Steven Forsberg, co-founder of the Lahaina Times newspaper dove into these ruins in 1982 to witness them first hand. Similar ruins were also photographed off Cay Sal in the Bahamas. The ruins are of the same construction as the oldest city ever found on land, according; to archaeologists, in Tiajuanaco, Bolivia, where a calendar was uncovered that shows the exact position of the stars and planets 27,000 years ago. This is more than 20,000 years BEFORE the oldest civilizations in school history books!
1981 expedition of P. Cappellano discovered mysterious ruins with strange symbols on them on the sea floor off the Canary Islands.
1977 report of a huge pyramid found off Cay Sal in the Bahamas, photographed by Ari Marshall's expedition, about 150 feet underwater. The pyramid was about 650 feet high. Mysteriously, the surrounding water was lit by sparkling white water flowing out of the openings in the pyramid and surrounded by green water, instead of the black water everywhere else at that depth
Pillars found on the Atlantic floor in 1969 by Robert Fero and Michael Grumley, a chunk of which was carved from rock NOT found anywhere in that part of the world.
For more information contact:
DeleteAaron DuVal (President, Egyptology Society, Miami Museum of Science)
If doom was done today - Part 2
ReplyDeletethnks for visit...ccc
what do you think about all the anomalies and occurences that happen to ships and planes over the Bermuda triangle? I really have heard many stories of ships disappearing, planes disappearing. im not saying that there is no logical explanation. and at the same time in my logic I do believe in God, and spirits, and the illuminati, and NWO and a lot of things that you probably don't believe. and I don't consider myself dumb or unscientific, that's my opinion. I think it might have been myth busters who took a plane over the Bermuda triangle area with some kind of voltage or frequency meter, cant really remember. when they got over the supposed Bermuda triangle area, the meter went off the charts and the plane started having problems as well. theres something going on there.