Life with prosopagnosia is peculiar sometimes.
Better known as "face blindness," it's a partial or complete inability to recognize people's faces. I'm not sure where I fall on the spectrum -- I'm certainly nowhere as bad as neuroscientist and author Oliver Sacks, who didn't recognize his own face in the mirror. Me, I'm hampered by it, but have learned to compensate by being very sensitive to people's voices and how they move. (I've noticed that I'm often more certain who someone is if I see them walking away than I am if they're standing right in front of me.)
Still, it results in some odd situations sometimes. I volunteer once a week as a book sorter at our local Friends of the Library book sale, and there's this one guy named Rich who is absolutely a fixture -- he always seems to be there. I've seen him and spoken with him at least a hundred times. Well, a couple of weeks ago, I was working, and there was this guy who was behind the counter, messing with stuff. I was about to ask who he was and what he was doing, when he said something, and I realized it was Rich -- who had shaved off his facial hair.
Until he opened his mouth, I honestly had no idea I'd ever seen him in my life.
Then, a couple of nights ago, my wife and I were watching the Doctor Who Christmas episode "Joy to the World," and afterward got to see a thirty-second teaser trailer for season two, which is being released next spring. Well, in season one, there was this mysterious recurring character named Mrs. Flood (played by British actress Anita Dobson) whose role we have yet to figure out, and who has the Who fandom in quite the tizzy. And in the trailer, there's a quick clip of an old woman in formal attire watching a theater performance through opera glasses, and until another fan said, "What did you think about the appearance of Mrs. Flood in the trailer?" I had no clue -- not the least suspicion -- that it was her.
So it's kind of inconvenient, sometimes. When people post still shots from movies or television shows on social media, I usually not only don't know who the actors are, I have no idea what film it's from (unless there's an obvious clue from the setting). And as I've related before, there are times when even my voice-recognition strategy hasn't worked, and I've had entire conversations with people and then left still not knowing who it was I'd been talking to.
The reason the topic comes up (again) is some research out of Toyohashi University of Technology that was the subject of a paper in the Journal of Vision last week. The researchers were trying to figure out if humans have a better innate ability to filter out extraneous visual distractions when it comes to facial recognition than they do for recognizing other objects. Using a technique called "continuous flash suppression" (CFS), they presented volunteers with fast-moving high-contrast images in one eye, and a target image in the other, then using an fMRI measured how long it took the brain's visual recognition centers to "break through" the distraction and recognize the target image.
If the target image was a face -- or "face-like" -- that breakthrough happened much faster than it did with any other sort of image. And, interestingly, the breakthrough time was significantly slowed for faces that were upside-down.
We're wired, apparently, to recognize right-side-up human faces faster than just about anything else.
"Our study shows that even vague, face-like images can trigger subconscious processing in the brain, demonstrating how deeply rooted facial recognition is in our visual system," said Makoto Michael Martinsen, who co-authored the study. "This ability likely evolved to help us prioritize faces, which are critical for social interaction, even when visual information is scarce... [However] we didn’t consider factors like emotion or attractiveness, which can affect facial perception... Despite this, our study highlights the brain’s incredible ability to extract important information from minimal cues, especially when it comes to faces. It emphasizes the importance of facial features in both conscious and subconscious perception and raises interesting questions about how this mechanism evolved."
Mild prosopagnosia seems to be associated with poor memory for names; and the combination is a part of reduced interest in social interaction, which characterizes mild Asperger's. Do you have a STEM career?
ReplyDeleteSpent 32 years as a high school science teacher. I remember names really well, but I'm socially awkward and have moderate ASD. So pretty close matches, there.